Creating a piDrive Installer on Mac

I received a piDrive Hardware ( through the Kickstarter Campaign and purchased a 120 GB mSATA SSD. The setup process worked like a charm - no error message, really easy. Unfortunately, after the reboot the Raspi won't come up any more. So I had to recreate the PiDrive Installer quicker than I originally thought. No idea what went wrong during the initial procedure. I figured that the SSD was partioned with 2 x 8GB although a specified "Use entire Disk" - strange. Nevertheless, it worked the second time smoothly. Below a write up of the steps.

UPDATE FOR Raspberry 3

If you are running a Raspberry 3 you may experience that the provided piDrive installer won't boot. To my knowledge there are two options around it:

a) if you have a working setup on RP-2 you can just move over the storage (SD & SSD) to the new device and boot. This worked for me fine.

b) if you start from scratch with the piDrive installer - it might not work. In my case nothing happened. I had to but up with a stock rasping image and had to apply the steps described here:

This is also rather simple to do.

Download the latest Raspian:

I took the latest Jessie version from here:

No need to unzip as the process later on will require the ZIP file. This not part of the creation process for the installer, however - with this version, the setup was working. During the failed approach I used an older version of Raspian (may be this was part of the problem).

Download the piDrive Installer:

It is a little bit hidden on the web site. To find the latest version - go to -> Support -> Make Your own piDrive installer. Link is located in the "Getting Started" section. I used this installer:

Format the Disk

Format the disk to FAT 32. You may use an application called "SDFormatter" from Needless to say that formatting erases anything that was on the SD card before.

Unzip the Installer

In the Downloads Directory:

unzip pidrive-installer-v0.2.img_zip

Transfer the Image to the SD Card

Step 1: Find the Proper Device

With diskutil in a terminal window you should first obtain a list of drives and identify the correct one:

diskutil list

The list includes the system drives as well. You may identify the SD by size and by the DOS_FAT_32 format. It is essential to pick the right one. Continuing with the wrong disk is most likely a disaster.

Step 2: Unmount the Disk

Take the identifier from the list in step 1 and unmount the disk:

diskutil umountDisk /dev/disk2

Step 3: Transfer the image to the SD Card

Apparently the following command only works in the same directory where the img file is located. Note that you have to adjust the disk. It is intentional that the device is "rdisk" and not "disk" as listed above:

sudo dd bs=1m if=pidrive-installer-v0.2.img of=/dev/rdisk2

Step 4: Eject the SD Card

The newly written SD should appear in the Finder. Use the Finder to eject it.

Now you should have a piDrive Installer for Raspian Images.

Helpful Hints

If you want to verify the installation after you went through the piDrive installation procedure in the browser and before rebooting after the setup procedure has finished, you may want to log on to the raspi:


The /tmp folder contains the log file of the installation.

You may initiate a gentle restart by "reboot".